Awesome Story From Ryan Sickler About How Dave Chappelle Once Cleared Out An Entire Comedy Club Because They Told Him It Was "Dane Cook Night"


Make no mistake about it, this is not a "shit on Dane Cook" blog. There are far too many of those on the internet and I, for one, am not going to pile on. Dane Cook is Dane cook. He was funny at his height and then he fell off. It happens to a lot of comedians, the only difference is that Dane Cook's fame was so all encompassing that people wanted a reason to hate him. "Prayed on his downfall" if you will (h/t 50 cent). Having said that, I am writing this blog simply to highlight what we already know - that Dave Chappelle is the coolest man on the planet. It doesn't even matter whether or not this story is true, the fact that it might have happened adds to the lore of what many consider to be one of the greatest comedians of all time. That's pretty much all I have to say on this one. So go enjoy your Friday, friends. And here's a little something to help you pass the time. Enjoy...






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